Now that there's a new version of QuickTime and MoviePlayer (which you should get
at the QuickTime 3 Preview
site Download page), try out these 3 simple things you can do that you've never
been able to do before with MoviePlayer:
Recompress and change the frame rate of a movie
To do it:
When you do this, QuickTime takes all your visual tracks--text, video, 3D, and sprite--and renders them into a single video track. You don't always want to do this because you lose the unique character (e.g. searchability for text tracks) and size advantage of the non-video tracks, but if you've been adding and pasting video tracks together, you'll get better performance with a single track. Multiple sound tracks also get rendered into a single sound track.
Add visual effects to a movie
To do it:
As in the steps above, be aware that doing this will render any non-video tracks into a single video track.
Rotate, flip, and skew visual tracks
To do it:
copyright 1996-97
Judith L. Stern and Robert Lettieri,
QuickTime, the QuickTime logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc